
The Southern Waste Information eXchange, Inc. (SWIX), is a non-profit clearinghouse and repository for businesses and government agencies looking for information regarding:

  • Market development
  • Recycled products
  • Solid and hazardous waste management
  • Current regulations/legislation
  • Alternative and emerging waste management technologies
  • Trade journals and associations
  • Technical reports
  • The availability of and demand for waste materials; and
  • Waste management services and products
  • SWIX Conducts:
    • Medicine Collection Events
    • Electronic Waste Collection Events
    • Book Recycling Events
    • Marine Debris Clean-ups
    • Agricultural Plastics Recycling Collection Events

A Results Oriented Organization

The Southern Waste Information eXchange, Inc. (SWIX), has as a primary objective the recycling and reuse of solid and hazardous waste. Since its inception in 1981, the emphasis of the SWIX has been on encouraging and facilitating sound environmental and cost-effective alternatives to the landfilling, incineration or treatment of solid waste through direct interaction with waste generators in both the public and private sectors. To facilitate this objective, the SWIX maintains a clearinghouse function that is used to assist generators with their waste management needs with an emphasis on the recycling, use, and reuse of waste materials. The SWIX is a resource that can be used directly by the thousands of public and private waste generators in the southeast. The SWIX On-Line Database (WasteXchange.org) provides up-to-date information on waste materials that are “available” from as well as “wanted” by private firms and government agencies. In addition, WasteXchange.org  lists a wide range of waste management services (e.g., recycling services, collection and transportation services) which can be used by waste generators and managers. This report is for the period July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024.

  • During this period, the SWIX received 81,523 requests concerning information regarding: the availability of and demand for waste materials; recycling, use, and reuse opportunities; other waste management practices; waste management services and products; and federal, state and local regulations that affect waste management. These 81,523 requests, consisted of 3,423 phone calls (4%), 74,385 emails (91%), and 3,715 written correspondence (5%).
  • In addition to the 81,523 requests for information, the SWIX WasteXchange.org web site received 23,273, page views from 3,482 users. The SWIXUSA.org web site received 36,027 page views from 4,842 users and the SWIX WasteMap.org web site received 37,201 page views from 21,354 users.
  • As a result of the activities of the SWIX, it is estimated that 60,244 tons of waste materials with an estimated cost-savings in reduced disposal costs to waste generators of $3 million were successfully recycled, recovered, used, or reused.
  • The Cost Benefit Ratio Average for this period is approximately $1:9.96, which means that for every dollar invested in the operation of the SWIX program, $9.96 was avoided in disposal costs to waste generators.
  • The direct financial benefits to waste generators and users resulting from reduced operating costs associated with these materials is substantial.Of even greater importance are the environmental benefits made possible by having this material diverted from landfills or incinerators through the increased levels of recycling, use, and reuse.