Recycling Business Development Technical Advisory Group (TAG) Meeting
December 9, 2016
Meeting purpose:
By the end of 2020, the State of Florida is tasked to achieve a recycling goal of 75%. In order to meet the 2020 recycling goal, Florida must find ways to improve and expand markets for recyclable materials generated in the state and assure the continued viability and growth of Florida’s business infrastructure.
The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP), with assistance from the Southern Waste Exchange, Inc. (SWIX), convened a Technical Advisory Group (TAG) made up of Florida business owners, waste management service providers, waste management and recycling consultants, local, state and federal government representatives, and non-profit organizations involved with waste management and recycling issues.
These participants, in an open and moderated discussion format, discussed and make specific recommendations to the FDEP about what the current impediments are in Florida to increasing Florida’s recycling markets and what actions the state can take to overcome these obstacles.
Meeting Agenda
Welcome: Introductions and Meeting Purpose
Ray Moreau, Executive Vice President
Southern Waste Information eXchange, Inc.
Ryan Matthews, Deputy Secretary for Regulatory Programs
Florida Department of Environmental Protection
Jerry Powell, Editor, Resource Recycling, Inc.
Strategic Planning, Discussion and Recommendations Moderated Open Dialog
Public Comment