Bill Moore

Bill Moore


Bill Moore

Moore & Associates


Speaker Bio:

Mr. Moore is president of Moore & Associates, an international consulting firm engaged in providing a range of market research and strategic services to the paper recycling industry.

Prior to his many years as a consultant, he held a series of positions in the solid waste, paper and recycling industries.  These included founder and vice president of Paper Recycling International (a joint venture of Stone Container) and director of recycling for Waste Management, Inc. He was responsible for the startup of Waste Management’s “Recycle America” program, the largest introduction of recycling services in the United States.

At Moore & Associates he has served over 200 clients on more than 350 projects. Mr. Moore’s knowledge base includes all aspects of the worldwide supply and demand of recovered paper.


Paper prices have been trending downwards over the past couple of years.  We will take a look at the reasons for these developments and where paper might be heading.


To view the full Agenda for Florida Recycling Markets Workshop view this link:

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