Kent Kiser_Aluminum
Status of Aluminum Recycling Markets
Kent Kiser
Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries, Inc. (ISRI)/Scrap Magazine
Speaker Bio:
Kent Kiser has worked for the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries (Washington, D.C.) for the past 25 years, currently serving as publisher of ISRI’s Scrap magazine and as its assistant vice president of industry communications. Kiser’s career also has included editing and writing positions with a leading magazine production group and a sculpture arts magazine in Washington and the Phoenix Arts Commission in Phoenix, Arizona. In addition to being an award-winning writer, Kiser is a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of the University of Florida, where he earned a bachelor’s degree in magazine publishing. He lives in Arlington, Va., and is the father of two adult children and grandfather to one grandson.
Aluminum prices have been trending downwards over the last few years. In addition, there has been a fresh bout of weakness in 2015. We will take a look at the reasons for these developments and where aluminum might be heading.
Aluminum Prices
To view the full Agenda for Florida Recycling Markets Workshop view this link:
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