Webinar: Best Practices to Boost Plastic Film Recycling in Your Community
Sustainable Materials Management (SMM) Web Academy Webinar:
Let’s WRAP (Wrap Recycling Action Program)
Best Practices to Boost Plastic Film Recycling in Your Community
We’re all aware of the challenges when it comes to recycling plastic bags and plastic film (i.e. dry cleaning bags, bread bags, plastic film packaging around paper goods, drink bottles, and other plastic films) through curbside collection. Now there’s a growing national movement to boost plastic film recycling by helping communities better educate the public on the appropriate ways to recycle this material, and it’s having an impact. It’s called the Wrap Recycling Acton Program, or WRAP.
Through this webinar you’ll learn from experts and your peers about how WRAP can help you meet your sustainability goals by improving residential recycling of plastic film packaging, with an emphasis on harmonizing approaches and outreach materials.
This webinar will walk you through best practice approaches and leave you with practical information for enhancing film recycling education in your community. It will cover tools and tactics to help educate your community about: not bagging recyclables or recycling plastic film curbside, and how to facilitate more commercial plastic film recycling. Join us to learn how you can get involved in this exciting and growing movement.
Posted in: Plastic Recycling
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