Innovative Collaborations in the Hospitality Sector to Increase Food Recovery
Sustainable Materials Management (SMM) Web Academy Webinar:
Innovative Collaborations in the Hospitality Sector to Increase Food Recovery
A study conducted for the Food Waste Reduction Alliance found that households account for 47 percent of wasted food, followed by restaurants at 37 percent, institutions at 11 percent; manufacturers 3 percent and retailers are responsible for 2 percent. Today we are joined by three speakers that work in the hospitality and/or restaurant space who will share their insights on successful collaborations and approaches promoting sustainable food management, food recovery for donation, and the unique partnerships they have built in their communities. In today’s webinar you will hear from a variety of points of view including a National Restaurant Association, a Denver based catering company, a non-governmental organization providing business technical assistance, and an S Corporation with the mission to feed the hungry.
Posted in: Food Waste Reduction
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